Spooky Scary Skeletons



You might be wondering why is is story called spooky scary skeletons well...I have no idea why so just ignore it but this story is about a girl a very ugly girl.Her name is bumble bee NO IT'S NOT YOU PROBABLY BELIEVED ME her name is Goy NOT!! TWO POINTS YOU O ok ok I'm done but I still have 2 points.Her name is Justin. Justin Beiber but if you are a fan of justin beiber well F OFF. But you are still reading and you are like but author justin is a boy. How do you know we have no proof do you look at his privates no you don't cause their are no pictures of his privates. But you notice something what about his so and so boobs? We'll maybe he has no gender we may never know but on to the story. But you are still reading WHY!!! I'm here to do a story but you want to know how mean I can be to him or her but you're like HE IS A BOY. I don't care ok!?! So I won't do the story you just wasted all of your time look up at the ceiling. You did didn't you why! Just because I said so wow. Now look at the text up there^. Time wasted but you're still here reading this You are weird just reading this. This might not end maybe it will but all you need to know is justin beiber is a girl do you understand maybe I'm wrong cause their is no proof. The End!
P.S. If you are a JB fan I still hope you enjoyed but look at all this text you read for nothin.